A New Linear Relaxed Method for Solving Generalized Geometric Programming 求广义几何规划全局最优解的新的线性化方法
Generalized disk programming system 通用磁盘程序设计系统
Lagrange multipliers and duality in generalized convex programming 广义凸规划中的Lagrange乘子及对偶
Mixed Dual for Generalized Fractional Programming with ( F,α,ρ, d)-Convexity 具有(F,α,ρ,d)-凸广义分式规划的混合型对偶
Stochastic generalized goal programming 随机广义目标规划
Algorithm of Global Optimization for Generalized Geometric Programming 广义几何规划的全局优化算法
Therefore, it is very significant to study the generalized semi-infinite programming. Line-search methods are a class of important numerical methods for nonlinear optimization problems. Many researchers in optimization area dedicate themselves to constructing effective line-search methods. 线搜索方法是求解非线性最优化问题的一类重要数值计算方法,如何构造有效的线搜索方法一直是最优化领域的一个研究重点。
The Variational Method on Variable Domain and Generalized Mathematical Programming Problem 关于可变区域问题的变分法以及广义数学规划问题
Algorithms and Convergence for Generalized Geometric Programming 关于一般几何规划的算法及其收敛性
Generalized Bilinear Programming Model for Index Tracking Problem 指数跟踪问题的广义双线性规划模型
This paper proposes a generalized bilinear programming model for index tracking problem with transaction costs, rebalance and holding constraints. 本文对指数跟踪问题建立了一种广义的双线性规划模型,其中考虑了交易费用、持仓限制与重平衡问题。
In this paper, we present a generalized network model for arbitrage in foreign exchange market. We also formulate the generalized network programming for solving the problem of maximum arbitrage profit and propose an algorithm based on dynamic programming for finding all of the arbitrage chances. 本文对外汇交易的套利决策问题建立了一个广义网络模型,提出了解决最大套利收益问题的广义网络流规划和寻找所有套利机会的动态规划方法。
Duality Theory of Multiobjective Generalized Convexity programming 多目标广义凸规划的对偶理论
Based on the properties of the generalized geometric programming, the dual programs of two problems are derived. 基于广义几何规划的理论与性质,导出了上述两个规划原问题的对偶规划。
Multiobjective generalized fractional programming: lagrange optimality conditions and duality theory 多目标广义分式规划的Lagrange最忧性条件和对偶理论
Duality for a class of semi-infinite generalized fractional programming 一类半无限广义分式规划的对偶
This dissertation is devoted to the study of sup-type function on non-compact set and the first-order optimality conditions for generalized semi-infinite programming with inequality constraints. 本文主要研究了非紧致集上的极大值函数和带不等式约束的广义半无限规划。
A SQP computational method of generalized geometric programming in mixed constraint conditions 混合约束下广义几何规划的一种SQP算法
A Generalized Route Programming Problem Based on Evolutionary Computation 基于演化计算的广义路径规划问题
After generalized goal programming model is established, FGGP with fuzzy goal sets and fuzzy parameters are studied, the solving methods using fuzzy set theory for FGGP are provided. 对带有模糊目标集和模糊参数的广义目标规划问题,用模糊集合理论给出了相应的解决方法。
In this paper, a new type of generalized convexity& semilocal E-convexity is introduced, and some of its basic characters are studied, some optimality conditions and duality theorems for the associated generalized convex programming are discussed. 在本文中,我们提出一类新的广义凸性:半局部E-凸性,研究了它的一些基本性质,讨论了相关广义凸规划的某些最优性条件与对偶定理。
Superlinear and Quadratic Convergent Algorithm for Generalized Geometric Programming 广义几何规划一个超线性与二次收敛算法
Sufficient Conditions of Nonsmooth Generalized F-convex Programming 非光滑广义F&凸规划问题的充分条件
An improved Newton's Method for Generalized Geometric Programming Problem 广义几何规划的一个改进的Newton算法
First, a model of optimal decision making of making up tea& generalized goal programming problem is given. 首先建立了茶叶拼配的最优决策模型&广义目标规划问题。
Therefore, it is very significant to study the generalized semi-infinite programming. 因此研究广义半无限规划问题具有重要的实际意义。
In chapter 3, we study the generalized semi-infinite programming with in-equality constraints. 第三章研究了带不等式约束的广义半无限规划(GSICP)。
Saddle point optimality criteria for generalized fractional programming 广义分式规划的鞍点最优性准则
A SQP ( sequential quadratic programming) computational method for solving the problem of generalized geometric programming in the constraint conditions with equality and inequality is constructed in this paper. The global convergence and local second-order convergence of the method are proved. 针对带等式和不等式约束的广义几何规划问题,构造了一种SQP(序列二次规划)算法,并证明了该算法的全局收敛性和局部二阶收敛性。
Several classes of generalized ρ convex functions are presented by using Ben Tal generalized algebraic operation. Under the weak assumptions, optimality sufficient condition of generalized convex programming is given. 利用Ben-Tal广义代数运算,提出了几类广义ρ-凸函数的定义,并在一定的假设条件下,讨论和得到了一类可微广义凸规划的最优性充分条件。